The Plant “Gidroprivod” began operating in October 1935 and at first produced industrial items such as taps, billets, drills, crown bits. During next years together with cutting tools the plant put into production hydraulic equipment for cutting equipment and was renamed in Machine and Tool-Making Plant.
Then the Plant began developing production of radial-piston pumps and other types of hydraulic equipment. In 1939 the plant was renamed in Gidroprivod, and for many years it remained the only specialized enterprise in the USSR on hydraulic equipment production.
During the II World War the Plant developed the production of gear pumps to the tank diesel engines.
In the 50s the Plant manufactured near 130 new types of hydraulic equipment. The Plant became the main enterprise of the whole hydraulic branch. At that time new specialized enterprises were created, and Kharkov plant Gidroprivod gave its knowledge and experience to them.
In the 90s due to general machinery production decline and loss of communications with enterprises of the former USSR the hydraulic equipment demand reduced.
To retain production volume, provide sales of ready products at enterprises of Ukraine, the plant began production of new items:
− Vacuum pump ÓÂÂ-1;
− Hydraulic damper for railway carriages.
On 27 of July 1993 on the basis of plant the Joint-Stock Company “Gidroprivod” was created Shareholders are 100% of physical entities.